Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Successful TCSer


This article is for all those who are interested in TCS campus placement(i bet if you follow what all he(my friend) has mentioned then it will be a cat walk...)

Preparation for test:


Word power made easy,30 days to a more powerful vocabulary (Norman Lewis), GRE barons


Arihant's quantitative aptitude test 4 CAT.

Last year Papers downloaded from Net

Critical Reasoning:

Last year's papers and most importantly GRE barons 12th edition,

R S Aggarwal reasoning.

My Interviews:

I had have to give four interviews first Technical,second HR and third again Technical and there was also a fourth interview,I will tell you later about this.

First interview(Technical round):

Q:: Tell me about yourself.
A:: I am Azam Ghani doing B.Tech. from Jamia Millia Islamia,
delhi... and so on..

Q::As you have done seminar on GSM what do you know about GSM?
A::GSM stands for global system for mobile communication and having BTS,BSC,MSC etc. etc.

Q::I bought something on 10% gain and sold it at 10% loss.If there is any gain or loss to me ?
A::I could not understand this question,I simply told them.

Q::Area of circle is incremented by 20% then it is decremented by 20%. What will be the final increment or decrement in the final area of circle?
A::let area initially be A then incremented area will be 120A/100 now if it is decremented by 20% than area will be (80/100)(120A/100).Thus the final decrement will be 4%.

Q:: What is your rating in c/c++ out of 10 ?
A:: I said around 5 he said ok !

Q::WAP to print
A:: I used two loops after certain amendments i cope up with the problem.

Q:: what will be the output of following program

int j;
int n=20;
A:: i replied infinite loop then ...

Q:: Change one character in the above problem so that the loop run only for 20 times
A:: i said change '--' into '++' he said i said you have to change only one charcter then i provided the following solution
for( i=0;-ihe said ok this problem has four possible solutions then i analysed it again and said that i am not able to get more he said ok!

Q:: What are your favourite subjects?
A:: Microprocessor he said every body is saying üp who taught you üp is i replied politely Prof. M. R. Singh Sir

Q::Which was the first üp and who made that üp?
A::4004 and intel produced this chip.

Q::Which is the latest üp and what are its qualities?
A::Intel Dual core üp and its speed is very high.

Q:: As your hobby is mimicry can you mimic Bhaskar Sahab?
A:: I mimicked Bhaskar sir then he asked can you mimic me i then mimicked him also.

Q::Any question from our side ?
A:: I asked when i will come to know that i have been selected? he said you can wait outside we will put a list outside.
Again he asked any question?? This time i asked whether your company provide any fund for the charitable society. He said,yes then i asked when i will come to you,will you provide me also?he asked which organization do you belong to i replied TA'AWWUN TRUST.
He said ok Thank you azam!!

Second interview(HR round):

Q::Introduce yourself.
A::I am Azam blah blah....

Q::I see your hobby is playing football,badminton mimicry;which character would you to mimic ?

Q::Which football playing country do like most?

Q::Why not Argentina?
A::Well,Sir; Actually when we watch the match of
Brazil,we get a vicarious feeling that we are playing.

Q::What are your strenghts?
A::I am assidous and reliable as i don't miss the deadlines.
I can do work in clique as well as alone.

Q::One solid strength?
A::I am reliable.

Q::What are your weaknesses?
A::I am not vindictive,whatever the people do for me i bear that stoically.Once I requested my friend to provide his Pendrive as I have to do some work. He denied me.And then I bought mine and whenever he asked me for pendrive I never denied him.

Q::Why should we select you in TCS?
A:: Sir, I do relate the theoretical knowledge with practical for example as I have done seminar on GSM and i gave a look on my mobile first and looked for the IMEI no. and found that it is 358354/00/263669/3 , so this is simple example of my ability.

Q::Why do u want to join TCS?Give only 1 solid reason.
A::Job security.

Q::other than job security?
A::i come to know that ur company works for the upliftment of the community and leveraged the standard of living of many people , so i can get a chance to serve the community also when i m in TCS.

Q::Do u read magazines?
A:: yes, i read CSR.

Q::so u want to become an IAS officer?
A::(i said with a smile) no sir, i read CSR for the amelioration of my english and GK only.

Q::How wud u scale urself technically on a scale of 5?
A::around 3

Q::It means u r an average student?
A::Yes i am.

Now they switched to tech stuff

Q::what r objects?

Q::what is polymorphism?

Q::what is inheritance.

Q::what were u doing 4 the whole day?
A::Sir, i was waiting for my turn.

Q::What is the difference b/w btech comp science and btech IT?
A::i cudnt answer this ques. and gave vague answers.

Q::If not selected in TCS then in which company wud u like to go?
A::sir i've not decided yet.when ill not get selected then i'll think over it.

Q::Name 5 IT companies.
A:: i said "TCS,which is
India's no 1 software company and Wipro".and then i kept silent.i knew more names bt i didnt speak them out.

Then he said thank u ,Azam ghani u can leave.

Third interview(Technical round):

I knocked the door formally and then entered the room.
He looked at my CV and marksheet etc.
Now he simply asked..

Q::what are your favourite subjects?

Q::What is the structure of up?
A::I started saying..
Control Unit
Instruction Decoder
Serial I/O.

Q:: What about bits?
A::8085 has 16 bit address bus and 8 bit data bus.

Q::Do you know any üp other than 8085?
A::Yes, A bit about 8086.

Q::What is the diffrence between 8085 and 8086?
A::I said (the obvious answer which you are also thinking.)that 8086 is of 16 bit üp and 8085 is of 8 bit.

He again asked..

Q::What about address bus ?

I said ..

A::In 8085 its of 16 bit but in 8086 its of 20 bits.

Q::What is the diffrence between 8086 and 8088?
A::Both are 16 bit üp, use the same 20 bit address bus but 8086 has 16 bit data bus and 8088 has 8 bit data bus.

Now turned towards C&C++ . . . .

Q::Which type of programmes you have done in C and C++?
A::Sir, I have done simple programmes like factorial, fibonacci etc.

Q::Suppose we are having some numbers in a array and we have to sort in ascending order.Do you know what the ascending order is ?? I replied Yes.
First let you explain how you will do it
A::Sir, I will do it with bubble sort .He said explain.
I said that first of all we'll check whether the first no is greater than second and so on. But i struck somewhere then i said i'll explain it with the help of program .I wrote the code as follows.

int temp;
int a[20];
for(int j=0 ;n>j;j++)
for(int i=0 ;n-j>i;i++)
{ temp=a[i];

Now He said ok.
Q:: any question?
A::When I'll come to know that I have been selected?He replied Very Soon.
Then he said OK you may leave now.
I said Thankyou!

Fourth interview:
"The TCS Man" Shook the hand said "enjoy Azam ghani ar you have been selected.
Interview was over then.

Peculiarities of my selection:
1. I was told an hour before the formal announcement of results that you have been selected.
2.Company took 4 interview of mine on the other hand others were giving only 2.

I hope this experience will help all the aspirants preparing for TCS !!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Interview Questions

1. Tell me about yourself

Keep your answer short and focused on your professional life. This is not the time to bring up relationships, childhood experiences, family etc. A brief history of education, career and special interests is what is called for here. End it with why you are interested in this particular job

2. Why are you applying for this particular job?

Show interest and demonstrate that you have researched the job and know what you are getting into. Bring up evidence from past work/studies that support your interest in this role and any skills you have acquired in preparation for the role. You can say something like 'I would like to work for a leader in innovative network and telecommunications solutions and my college degree in computatational mathematics has given me a solid background for this role. Mention the value -added you can bring to the job.

3. What do you know about our company?
Indicate what you have learnt from your research activities -from their
annual reports, news papers, word of mouth, other employees etc.
Use this to flatter them and show that you have done your homework.

. What makes you qualified for this particular job?

Again, explain that you are very interested in the job and demonstrate what it is about your past experiences, education and qualifications that makes you ideal for the job. Show enthusiasm and support your answers with evidence wherever you can (eg. my summer internship at Citibank gave me broad exposure to the area of equity analysis and I think I can apply many of the tools I learnt there in this job). Elaborate on all the past experiences and skill sets that make you suitable for the job. In cases where your past experience is not directly relevant, you can still find elements of it that can be useful. Play up team skills, computer skills, leadership roles, specific courses and independent research activities that can be useful to the job at hand to show your initiative even where you don't have directly relevant job experience.

5. What can you do for us that someone else can't?

Demonstrate key strengths, skills and personal characteristics.

6. Why should we hire you?

See 3. Because you have all the experience/ traits/ credentials demonstrated in 3 and in addition to being qualified, you are enthusiastic, intelligent, hardworking, flexible and willing to learn. Also mention any key relationships you may have that may assist you in the job.

7. What do you look for in a job?

Be honest. Also mention keywords such as challenging, steep learning curve, good work culture, demanding, rewarding, opportunities for advancement and growth, team environment, opportunity to build and maintain client relationships etc.

8. Why are you looking to make a career change?

Mention your interests and make sure you bring up all skills/ experience however insignificant that can support your move in this new direction. It is quite common in this day and age to make a career switch. You need however to show that you have very carefully thought about the change, have a strong interest in the new career and can use some of your previous skills/ education/ relationships to make that move.

9. Why did you leave your last job?

Do NOT use this as an opportunity to badmouth past employers or peers or talk about a failure of any sort. Any of these answers are acceptable: you were looking for a new challenge, your learning curve had flattened out in the previous job and you were looking for a new learning opportunity, the company or department were restructuring, you were ready to start something new after achieving your career goals at the previous company etc.



Interview Questions-2

How to Answer The 64 Toughest Interview Questions continuation:::

10. Why do you want to work for us (as opposed to the competitor companies)?

Demonstrate that you know something about the company, that you believe they are leaders/ innovators in what they do, or you think their work culture is exactly what you are looking for, or you like their product(s) or you have friends who work there and have always been attracted to the company etc. Flatter the company and show you know something about it.

11.How long will it take you to start making a meaningful contribution?

Show that you are enthusiastic and willing to learn and will put in all the hours and effort necessary to learn the ropes and start making an immediate contribution. Indicate that your past experiences/ skills/ credentials will enable you to make an immediate contribution at some level while you quickly learn all new aspects of the job. An Interviewer wants someone who is willing and able to learn and will make a return on his investment sooner rather than later.

12. What are your strengths?

See 14 below. In addition, keywords such as good team player, work very well under pressure, very creative, very strong quantitative or computer skills, and very strong client relationship skills may be appropriate depending on your chosen field.

13. What are your weaknesses?

Do NOT mention key weaknesses here. This is not the place to say you are bad at meeting deadlines or you never mastered high school mathematics etc. Turn this question around to your benefit. For example, you are 'overambitious' or 'extremely attentive to detail' or 'like to take on too many projects'. Make it sound positive.

14. What are your career goals?

Show you have thought forward and are committed to your career.

15. How would you describe yourself?

Any of these are good examples of attributes employers are looking for: intelligent, hardworking, quick to learn, enthusiastic, honest, efficient, productive, ambitious, successful, and compassionate (in the medical fields)

16. How would your colleagues describe you?

Do not bring up anything negative here.

17. How would your boss describe you?

They will check references anyways so bring up the most positive attribute you can think of about yourself eg hardworking, honest etc. and leave it to your Boss to say anything to the contrary.

18. What did you most like/ dislike about your past job?

Do not use this to badmouth past jobs/ employers. Keep it light and in your favour eg I outgrew the job, there wasn't a clear career progression, I wasn't learning anything new etc. Ideally, you will have loved your last job and would like to achieve the same kind of success and job satisfaction in a more challenging area as you have now 'outgrown' that job and are ready for 'new challenges'.

19. Describe a situation in your past where you showed initiative?

You could describe any new methods you came up with to do your job or to save money for the company or to turn around a bad situation. It can be something as simple as changing a filing system, or establishing a relationship with a vendor that saved your department a lot of money. If you are in sales, you may want to talk about how you brought in that big account. Creatives may talk about how they came up with that cutthroat image or design that brought in the business.

20. What were your main responsibilities in your last job?

Have these ready and list them all. Dwell on the ones that are most relevant to the new job. This answer should be smooth and practiced.

21. What do you consider your greatest accomplishments?

Many of us have one or two milestones in our career that we are very proud of eg. that early promotion, that 'huge' deal we brought in, the design we came up with, the costs we saved, the revenues we increased, the people we trained, a new invention or process we came up with etc. Examples of accomplishments may be: 'Reduced costs by X%; or renamed and repositioned a product at the end of its lifecycle, or organized and led a team to do do XYZ, or achieved sales increase of X% etc. If you are a fresh college graduate, talk about extracurricular activities, leadership roles and grades.

22. Do you work better in teams or independently?

Show that you are a proactive team player and like to bounce ideas off others and get input; however you are very capable of working independently (give examples).



Interview Questions-3

How to Answer The 64 Toughest Interview Questions

23. How do you work under pressure?

Well. Give evidence.

24. What other jobs have you applied for?

Don't mention jobs in different career directions (eg advertising and investment banking). Do however bring up any other offers or Interviews from competing firms.

25. How did you do in college?

Keep it positive. It's okay to say you were very busy making the most of college and were very involved in sports, activities, social life etc. Employers want human beings not robots. Mention the areas you did very well in even if it was just one or two courses you excelled in. They will check for themselves.

26. What kind of hours would you like to work?

Employers want to see flexibility. Indicate you are willing to put in whatever hours are necessary to finish the job. Do however mention any constraints you have eg. you would like to be home to pick your kids up from school at 3:30. Most employers are willing to work around your constraints if you show flexibility on your side as well.

27. Do you have any questions for me?

YES you do. Questions engage the Interviewer and show your interest. Ask questions that show you know something about the company or the job, that you are planning ahead, that you are anxious and willing to learn the ropes and that you are committed to the position.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Placement of TCS

This article is for all those who are interested in TCS campus placement(i bet if you follow what all he(my friend) has mentioned then it will be a cat walk...)

Preparation for test:


Word power made easy,30 days to a more powerful vocabulary (Norman Lewis), GRE barons


Arihant's quantitative aptitude test 4 CAT.

Last year Papers downloaded from Net

Critical Reasoning:

Last year's papers and most importantly GRE barons 12th edition,

R S Aggarwal reasoning.

My Interviews:

I had have to give four interviews first Technical,second HR and third again Technical and there was also a fourth interview,I will tell you later about this.

First interview(Technical round):

Q:: Tell me about yourself.
A:: I am Azam Ghani doing B.Tech. from JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA and so on..

Q::As you have done seminar on GSM what do you know about GSM?
A::GSM stands for global system for mobile communication and having BTS,BSC,MSC etc. etc.

Q::I bought something on 10% gain and sold it at 10% loss.If there is any gain or loss to me ?
A::I could not understand this question,I simply told them.

Q::Area of circle is incremented by 20% then it is decremented by 20%. What will be the final increment or decrement in the final area of circle?
A::let area initially be A then incremented area will be 120A/100 now if it is decremented by 20% than area will be (80/100)(120A/100).Thus the final decrement will be 4%.

Q:: What is your rating in c/c++ out of 10 ?
A:: I said around 5 he said ok !

Q::WAP to print
A:: I used two loops after certain amendments i cope up with the problem.

Q:: what will be the output of following program

int j;
int n=20;
A:: i replied infinite loop then ...

Q:: Change one character in the above problem so that the loop run only for 20 times
A:: i said change '--' into '++' he said i said you have to change only one charcter then i provided the following solution
for( i=0;-ihe said ok this problem has four possible solutions then i analysed it again and said that i am not able to get more he said ok!

Q:: What are your favourite subjects?
A:: Microprocessor he said every body is saying üp who taught you üp is i replied politely Prof. M. R. Khan Sir

Q::Which was the first üp and who made that üp?
A::4004 and intel produced this chip.

Q::Which is the latest üp and what are its qualities?
A::Intel Dual core üp and its speed is very high.

Q:: As your hobby is mimicry can you mimic Bhaskar Sahab?
A:: I mimicked Bhaskar sir then he asked can you mimic me i then mimicked him also.

Q::Any question from our side ?
A:: I asked when i will come to know that i have been selected? he said you can wait outside we will put a list outside.
Again he asked any question?? This time i asked whether your company provide any fund for the charitable society. He said,yes then i asked when i will come to you,will you provide me also?he asked which organization do you belong to i replied TA'AWWUN TRUST.
He said ok Thank you AZAM!!

Second interview(HR round):

Q::Introduce yourself.
A::I am Azam blah blah....

Q::I see your hobby is playing football,badminton mimicry;which character would you to mimic ?

Q::Which football playing country do like most?

Q::Why not Argentina?
A::Well,Sir; Actually when we watch the match of Brazil,we get a vicarious feeling that we are playing.

Q::What are your strenghts?
A::I am assidous and reliable as i don't miss the deadlines.
I can do work in clique as well as alone.

Q::One solid strength?
A::I am reliable.

Q::What are your weaknesses?
A::I am not vindictive,whatever the people do for me i bear that stoically.Once I requested my friend to provide his Pendrive as I have to do some work. He denied me.And then I bought mine and whenever he asked me for pendrive I never denied him.

Q::Why should we select you in TCS?
A:: Sir, I do relate the theoretical knowledge with practical for example as I have done seminar on GSM and i gave a look on my mobile first and looked for the IMEI no. and found that it is 358354/00/263669/3 , so this is simple example of my ability.

Q::Why do u want to join TCS?Give only 1 solid reason.
A::Job security.

Q::other than job security?
A::i come to know that ur company works for the upliftment of the community and leveraged the standard of living of many people , so i can get a chance to serve the community also when i m in TCS.

Q::Do u read magazines?
A:: yes, i read CSR.

Q::so u want to become an IAS officer?
A::(i said with a smile) no sir, i read CSR for the amelioration of my english and GK only.

Q::How wud u scale urself technically on a scale of 5?
A::around 3

Q::It means u r an average student?
A::Yes i am.

Now they switched to tech stuff

Q::what r objects?

Q::what is polymorphism?

Q::what is inheritance.

Q::what were u doing 4 the whole day?
A::Sir, i was waiting for my turn.

Q::What is the difference b/w btech comp science and btech IT?
A::i cudnt answer this ques. and gave vague answers.

Q::If not selected in TCS then in which company wud u like to go?
A::sir i've not decided yet.when ill not get selected then i'll think over it.

Q::Name 5 IT companies.
A:: i said "TCS,which is India's no 1 software company and Wipro".and then i kept silent.i knew more names bt i didnt speak them out.

Then he said thank u ,Azam Ghani u can leave.

Third interview(Technical round):

I knocked the door formally and then entered the room.
He looked at my CV and marksheet etc.
Now he simply asked..

Q::what are your favourite subjects?

Q::What is the structure of up?
A::I started saying..
Control Unit
Instruction Decoder
Serial I/O.

Q:: What about bits?
A::8085 has 16 bit address bus and 8 bit data bus.

Q::Do you know any üp other than 8085?
A::Yes, A bit about 8086.

Q::What is the diffrence between 8085 and 8086?
A::I said (the obvious answer which you are also thinking.)that 8086 is of 16 bit üp and 8085 is of 8 bit.

He again asked..

Q::What about address bus ?

I said ..

A::In 8085 its of 16 bit but in 8086 its of 20 bits.

Q::What is the diffrence between 8086 and 8088?
A::Both are 16 bit üp, use the same 20 bit address bus but 8086 has 16 bit data bus and 8088 has 8 bit data bus.

Now turned towards C&C++ . . . .

Q::Which type of programmes you have done in C and C++?
A::Sir, I have done simple programmes like factorial, fibonacci etc.

Q::Suppose we are having some numbers in a array and we have to sort in ascending order.Do you know what the ascending order is ?? I replied Yes.
First let you explain how you will do it
A::Sir, I will do it with bubble sort .He said explain.
I said that first of all we'll check whether the first no is greater than second and so on. But i struck somewhere then i said i'll explain it with the help of program .I wrote the code as follows.

int temp;
int a[20];
for(int j=0 ;n>j;j++)
for(int i=0 ;n-j>i;i++)
{ temp=a[i];

Now He said ok.
Q:: any question?
A::When I'll come to know that I have been selected?He replied Very Soon.
Then he said OK you may leave now.
I said Thankyou!

Fourth interview:
"The TCS Man" Shook the hand said "enjoy AZAM GHANI you have been selected.

Interview was over then.

Peculiarities of my selection:
1. I was told an hour before the formal announcement of results that you have been selected.
2.Company took 4 interview of mine on the other hand others were giving only 2.

I hope this experience will help all the aspirants preparing for TCS !!!


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Accenture Latest Paper

Some important Things You might need for placement!!!

Accenture Latest Paper::::

The recruitment process (four round) is quite a long. It goes as follows:--

I. Written Test 1 Hrs

II. GD 15 Mins.

III. Technical 20-30 Mins.

IV. HR 10 Mins.

Total students appear for Written =190

For GD =116

For Technical=79

For HR=50

Final Selection = 33 of which six from MCA.


Written Test Consist of 55 question to be answer in 1 Hrs. & a short ESSAY on a given topic.

Written Test consist of Three Section:

1) Verbal 20 Questions

2) Aptitude 20 Questions

3) Analytical 15 Questions


It consist of question like

fill in the blanks using given words,

fill in the blanks using given ARTICLE,

2-3 question from synonyms

Two passage were given one on SQL language & another on DBMS.

5 - Question from each passage.

Its quite a easy one.


3 - question like There are 2000 member on a club, 800 likes swimming, 1300 like golf, 500 like swimming & golf then how many like onlu swimming, golf?

3 question on set theory like there are 50 people, 20 like jukebox+game, 10 like game+book , 35 like book+jukebox. Than how many like only book, jukebox.

question on percentage like "if A got 20% marks and failed by 10 marks & B got 42% and passed by 1 marks, then what is the pass %, maximum marks."

if Ram's rank is 14th, total student 46, what will be his rank backward.


easy one 5 - question on decision making

3 - question on selecting the look alike

125.23622 125.23522 125.23522 125.25322

568.352 568.352 568.532 568.352

question on coding on binay form "If * represent 0 & $ represent 1 than what will be the value of "

6^4 / 6^6 / 28



qusestion like ( + rep -, / rep - ,* rep /, - rep + ) than what will be the value of 15/3+5*2/6

( - rep /, * rep - ,/ rep +, + rep * ) than what will be the value of 23+8-55/2*12

( * rep /, + rep - ,/rep *, - rep + ) than what will be the value of 15*2/5+8-6

( / rep *, * rep /, - rep +, + rep -) than what will be the value of 20*2/5+6-8


They have given the topic "SHOULD KOLKATA BE MADE IT HUB OF INDIA?"

This essay is just to check your writing ability.


GD Topics were

a) Should Alcohol be banned or not?

b) IT is enabler (BOON) or not ? (my topic)

c) Is Salman Khan's Bail is Justifiable?

d) Communism & Economy Reform.

e) CPM's Role in Privatization.

f) Foreign TV channels should be banned in INDIA or not?

There are approx. of 12- 15 members in each group & particularly they check you Communication skills, Leadership Qualities etc.Basic funda is to say as much as you know about the topic but don't bluff to much, it may the resaon for your elimination.


Tell me about yourself ?

What is a ROM, what is contains ?

What SDLC model ?

What is advantage of using pointer?

What is Virtual functios?

What are the diffeernt management techniques?

What are the difference between Structure & Class?

What is OSI & TCP/IP layers, differentiate them?

What is indexing?

What is Normalisation? 1NF, 2NF, 3NF?

What is virtual pointer?

Have you done any project so far? (Please mention project only in you have done it properly)


Tell me about yourself?

Why would like to join ACCENTURE?

How can you help us?

Relocation for you is possible or not?

You are from (Physics/math/Chem) background then why did you join MCA?

Do you have any gap in your studies if yes state reason?


Friday, November 17, 2006

Adobe Latest Paper:::

ADOBE Written Test

1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same.

2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert
A to B. Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B);

3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list.After inserting,
the list must be sorted.

4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.
itoa() function is available.

5) Wap to swap two integer pointers.

6)Write a funcn int round(float x) to round off a floating point num to int.

7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following Instructions

LDA num ; load Accumulator with num
DCR R ; decrement Register R
INR R ; increment Register R
MOV x,y ; move the contents of register y into register x
JZ label ; jump to label if A=0
DJNZ label; Decrement & Jump if A <> 0
you can use B & C registers in addition to A register

8) prove that a tree is BST.what is height of a tree?

9) Given A,B & C Boolean polynomials.Prove That (A+BC)=(A+B)(A+C)


Thursday, November 16, 2006

HP 2006 paper

Section A. ------50qns(general appitude,english etc):
Section B. ------ 10 Questions on Computer concepts.
Section C. ------ 30 Questions on C

1. WAP find and replace a character in a string.
2. WA function to perform the substraction of two .Eg:char N1="123",N2="478",
3. WAP dynamically intialize a 2 dimentional array Eg:5x20,accept strings and check
for vowels and display the no.finally free the space allocated .
4. WAP read a line from file from location N1 to N2 using command line agruments
Eg:exe 10 20 a.c
5. WAP find the largest of 4 no using macros.

General section
Computer science general, c/c++ section, Java section ,The question paper had 48
questions to be answered in 1hr. Time will be quite sufficient. They have different
sets of question papers. .

1 General section : computer science general knowledge
2. Computer science general: simple questions

1. HP acquired this company in 2002. Which is the company
a) Compaq b) Dell c) option 3 d) Option4
Ans: a

2. What does 3G denote
a) 3rd generation mobile communication b) 3rd generation computer languages
c) option 3 d) option4
Ans: a

3. An application program that is used by the users to get the inofrmation from the
backend of some application like databases:
a) application server b)proxy server c)database server d)option 4
Ans: database server

4. Which of the following is not true about the e-mail
a) It can be accessed by a client program using POP
b) It can be accessed by a client program using imap protocol
c) option 3
d) option 4
Ans: I don't remember the answer but first 2 are true.

5. Some quesion regarding the company and who developed it ( the thing to remember
is that Apple produce Macintosh computers).

c/c++ section: questions on c/c++, programs o/p etc.

1 main( )
unsigned int i=3;
while( i >=0)
printf( "%d", i--);
how many times will the printf stmt be executed?
a)0 b)3 c)4 d)infinite
Ans: I think the answer is infinite, b'cos 'i' is an unsigned integer and it will not
decrement below '0' and hence end up in an infinite loop.(yes, i checked and it
is getting stuck in an infinite loop)

2. main( )
int x,y, z;
z= x+++y;
printf("%d %d %d", x, y z);
a)3 5 7 b)option 2 c)option 3 d)option 4
Ans: a

3 # define swap(a,b) temp=a; a=b; b=temp;
main( )
int i, j, temp;
if( i > j)
swap( i, j );
printf( "%d %d %d", i, j, temp);
Ans: On compiling i got ans 10, 0, 0. I did not understand the concept. Please
expalin this to me.

4. Java section: questions on java related stuff.
1) Java was initially code named as:
a)Oak b)green c)miller d)option4
Ans: Oak

5. What is not true about the following statements about java.
a) it is compiled using javac compiler
b) the compiled files have .class extension.
c) such files cannot be transfered from one comp to another.
d) they use the java interpreter
Ans: c

6. Why is the synchronize used?
a) to initialize multiple objects b)to lock an object c)option3 d)option 4
Ans: b (probably)


Google Placement Paper

1. Solve this cryptic equation, realizing of course that values for M and E could be interchanged. No leading zeros are allowed.


This can be solved through systematic application of logic. For example, cannot be equal to 0, since . That would make , but , which is not possible.

Here is a slow brute-force method of solution that takes a few minutes on a relatively fast machine:

This gives the two solutions

777589 - 188106 == 589483
777589 - 188103 == 589486

Here is another solution using Mathematica's Reduce command:

A faster (but slightly more obscure) piece of code is the following:

Faster still using the same approach (and requiring ~300 MB of memory):

Even faster using the same approach (that does not exclude leading zeros in the solution, but that can easily be weeded out at the end):

Here is an independent solution method that uses branch-and-prune techniques:

And the winner for overall fastest:

2. Write a haiku describing possible methods for predicting search traffic seasonality.

MathWorld's search engine
seemed slowed this May. Undergrads
prepping for finals.

3. 1
1 1
2 1
1 2 1 1
1 1 1 2 2 1
What's the next line?

312211. This is the "look and say" sequence in which each term after the first describes the previous term: one 1 (11); two 1s (21); one 2 and one 1 (1211); one 1, one 2, and two 1's (111221); and so on. See the look and say sequence entry on MathWorld for a complete write-up and the algebraic form of a fascinating related quantity known as Conway's constant.

4. You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. There is a dusty laptop here with a weak wireless connection. There are dull, lifeless gnomes strolling around. What dost thou do?

A) Wander aimlessly, bumping into obstacles until you are eaten by a grue.
B) Use the laptop as a digging device to tunnel to the next level.
C) Play MPoRPG until the battery dies along with your hopes.
D) Use the computer to map the nodes of the maze and discover an exit path.
E) Email your resume to Google, tell the lead gnome you quit and find yourself in whole different world [sic].

In general, make a state diagram . However, this method would not work in certain pathological cases such as, say, a fractal maze. For an example of this and commentary, see Ed Pegg's column about state diagrams and mazes .

5. What's broken with Unix?

Their reproductive capabilities.

How would you fix it?

[This exercise is left to the reader.]

6. On your first day at Google, you discover that your cubicle mate wrote the textbook you used as a primary resource in your first year of graduate school. Do you:

A) Fawn obsequiously and ask if you can have an autograph.
B) Sit perfectly still and use only soft keystrokes to avoid disturbing her concentration
C) Leave her daily offerings of granola and English toffee from the food bins.
D) Quote your favorite formula from the textbook and explain how it's now your mantra.
E) Show her how example 17b could have been solved with 34 fewer lines of code.

[This exercise is left to the reader.]

7. Which of the following expresses Google's over-arching philosophy?

A) "I'm feeling lucky"
B) "Don't be evil"
C) "Oh, I already fixed that"
D) "You should never be more than 50 feet from food"
E) All of the above

[This exercise is left to the reader.]

8. How many different ways can you color an icosahedron with one of three colors on each face?

For an asymmetric 20-sided solid, there are possible 3-colorings . For a symmetric 20-sided object, the Polya enumeration theorem can be used to obtain the number of distinct colorings. Here is a concise Mathematica implementation:

What colors would you choose?

[This exercise is left to the reader.]

9. This space left intentionally blank. Please fill it with something that improves upon emptiness.

For nearly 10,000 images of mathematical functions, see The Wolfram Functions Site visualization gallery .

10. On an infinite, two-dimensional, rectangular lattice of 1-ohm resistors, what is the resistance between two nodes that are a knight's move away?

This problem is discussed in J. Cserti's 1999 arXiv preprint . It is also discussed in The Mathematica GuideBook for Symbolics, the forthcoming fourth volume in Michael Trott's GuideBook series, the first two of which were published just last week by Springer-Verlag. The contents for all four GuideBooks, including the two not yet published, are available on the DVD distributed with the first two GuideBooks.

11. It's 2PM on a sunny Sunday afternoon in the Bay Area. You're minutes from the Pacific Ocean, redwood forest hiking trails and world class cultural attractions. What do you do?

[This exercise is left to the reader.]

12. In your opinion, what is the most beautiful math equation ever derived?

There are obviously many candidates. The following list gives ten of the authors' favorites:

1. Archimedes' recurrence formula : , , ,
2. Euler formula :
3. Euler-Mascheroni constant :
4. Riemann hypothesis: and implies
5. Gaussian integral :
6. Ramanujan's prime product formula:
7. Zeta-regularized product :
8. Mandelbrot set recursion:
9. BBP formula :
10. Cauchy integral formula:

An excellent paper discussing the most beautiful equations in physics is Daniel Z. Freedman's " Some beautiful equations of mathematical physics ." Note that the physics view on beauty in equations is less uniform than the mathematical one. To quote the not-necessarily-standard view of theoretical physicist P.A.M. Dirac,
"It is more important to have beauty in one's equations than to have them fit experiment."

13. Which of the following is NOT an actual interest group formed by Google employees?

A. Women's basketball
B. Buffy fans
C. Cricketeers
D. Nobel winners
E. Wine club

[This exercise is left to the reader.]

14. What will be the next great improvement in search technology?

Semantic searching of mathematical formulas. See http://functions.wolfram.com/About/ourvision.html for work currently underway at Wolfram Research that will be made available in the near future.

15. What is the optimal size of a project team, above which additional members
do not contribute productivity equivalent to the percentage increase in the staff size?

A) 1
B) 3
C) 5
D) 11
E) 24

[This exercise is left to the reader.]

16. Given a triangle ABC, how would you use only a compass and straight edge to find a point P such that triangles ABP, ACP and BCP have equal perimeters? (Assume that ABC is constructed so that a solution does exist.)
This is the isoperimetric point , which is at the center of the larger Soddy circle. It is related to Apollonius' problem . The three tangent circles are easy to construct: The circle around has diameter , which gives the other two circles. A summary of compass and straightedge constructions for the outer Soddy circle can be found in " Apollonius' Problem: A Study of Solutions and Their Connections" by David Gisch and Jason M. Ribando.

17. Consider a function which, for a given whole number n, returns the number of
ones required when writing out all numbers between 0 and n. For example, f(13)=6. Notice that f(1)=1. What is the next largest n such that f(n)=n?

The following Mathematica code computes the difference between [the cumulative
number of 1s in the positive integers up to n] and [the value of n itself] as n ranges from 1 to 500,000:

The solution to the problem is then the first position greater than the first at which data equals 0:

which are the first few terms of sequence A014778 in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.

Checking by hand confirms that the numbers from 1 to 199981 contain a total of
199981 1s:

18. What is the coolest hack you've ever written?

While there is no "correct" answer, a nice hack for solving the first problem in
the SIAM hundred-dollar, hundred-digit challenge can be achieved by converting the limit into the strongly divergent series:

and then using Mathematica's numerical function SequenceLimit to trivially get the correct answer (to six digits),

You must tweak parameters a bit or write your own sequence limit to get all 10 digits.

[Other hacks are left to the reader.]

19. 'Tis known in refined company, that choosing K things out of N can be done in ways as many as choosing N minus K from N: I pick K, you the remaining.

This simply states the binomial coefficient identity .

Find though a cooler bijection, where you show a knack uncanny, of making your choices contain all K of mine. Oh, for pedantry: let K be no more than half N.

'Tis more problematic to disentangle semantic meaning precise from the this
paragraph of verbiage peculiar.

20. What number comes next in the sequence: 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66, ?

A) 96
C) Either of the above
D) None of the above

This can be looked up and found to be sequence A052196 in the On-Line Encyclopedia
of Integer Sequences, which gives the largest positive integer whose English name
has n letters. For example, the first few terms are ten, nine, sixty, ninety, seventy, sixty-six, ninety-six, …. A more correct sequence might be ten, nine,
sixty, googol, seventy, sixty-six, ninety-six, googolplex. And also note, incidentally, that the correct spelling of the mathematical term " googol" differs from the name of the company that made up this aptitude test.

The first few can be computed using the NumberName function in Eric Weisstein's MathWorld packages:

A mathematical solution could also be found by fitting a Lagrange interpolating polynomial to the six known terms and extrapolating:Google Placement Paper and
Sample Paper



In written they give two tests:-

1) quant/aptitude/logical ppr 40ques in 40minutes
2) technical test 75question in 40min


it was a very tough test i hav given test of 6-7 companies but csc test was toughest

ther vr linear equations questions wich vr not at all easy

questions on sets

-permutaion combination

-arrangement logical ques

- distance speed ques

- time question


-ques like 90% of 1 litree milk and 60% of 40 litre water result in 67% mixture so wht is compostion of milk in litres?

-ques like f has pririty over h and g has priortiy over i so now 4-5 ques based on this

-length is increased by 5 and breadth is decreased ny 10 thn total is 200m and whn length decreasd by 5 and breadth increasd by 15 thn total is 75 m, fing length

-a>b>c so wich is tru

ab>ac or a/b>b/c or som more options

-6 girls and 6 boys, all boys and all girls will sit together so no of possible ways

- cow is tied with rope from two sides 40 40 cm and forming an angle 24degree size of rope is 15cm so how much area in wich cow can graze

-7 orange and 5 apples cost 16.90 rs and 5 oranges and 7 apples cost 2.60 so no of oranges

-ther is a place wher ppl r either no or yes. if ram sain 2and 2 makes four thn he is yes and similarly if mohan said 2 -1 is 2 thn he is no. so now ques based on this

- paragraph given and u hav to conlude or find contradicting line

and rest all questions vr very tough so i dont remember thm at all

technical ques






-c c++

- wht is piggybanking used for (acknowledgement)

- wht combines router and bridge


- tcp/ip is wht conection oriented or conectionless

- X.25 protcol is at wich layer

- wht is superkey (primarykey+attribute)

- wich join will u use to hav null values (outer)

- query was given find join type

select customer.is and order.is and name from customer, order

where cutomer.id= order.id (natural join)

- wich follow binary tree property

- som code of java given find no of dangling pointers

- linked list a->b and b pt to itself so wht type of linked list (infinite)

- which line is wrong abt linked list

(circular list can be only implemented in doubly linked list)

- os question on context switch and sytem call

- microporcesor ques like result of 2 input , 1 o/p line and three annd gates is (nand)

- which gate need to combine with or gate to make nand gate

- transfer RO to local and local to RO and shift RO 3 timed thn local to RO so result is


- some instruction were given and u hav to find resultanf values of flags

- some instrcution was given find output shift 2 times right to 80008ff

- atomicity definiton was given and u hav to tell wich property it is(atomicity)

- questions vr given fill in the balnks three places (placemnt,replacemnt,replacment) order was correct

- wich normal from shld be saticsy to hav bcnf and one more condition was given

- som ques of physics given resistance and volts use so u hav to tell output (low voltage or high voltage or??)

- wich sort take o(n^2) time


- some prog given outer fro loop from 1 to n and inner frm 1 to k so time is


-right output of preorder traversal som tree was given

- wht r abstract data types

- wht r steps of compiler (syntax, semantic,...)
